PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada is a Canadian registered charity. Formed in 2015, our mission is to drive research to identify treatments and a cure for primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), while providing education and support for those impacted by this rare disease. We are a public foundation affiliated with the US-based nonprofit PSC Partners Seeking a Cure.

Our Story

PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada is a registered Canadian charity dedicated to raising awareness, supporting research, and providing resources for those affected by primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC), a rare and progressive liver disease that causes scarring of the bile ducts. PSC Partners Canada is affiliated with the larger PSC Partners Seeking a Cure organization in the U.S. Both organizations aim to support patients and their families by funding research efforts to find treatments and a cure for PSC, offering education and emotional support, and advocating for better understanding of PSC within the medical community.

In 2015, the Canadian branch of PSC Partners was formed by two parents of PSC pediatric patients, Eve Jedrzejewska and Mary Vyas. Having met through PSC Partners conferences in the United States, they recognized a need for a Canadian PSC patient organization. Their aim was to create a space where Canadians living with PSC and their families could share their PSC journeys within the context of Canada and the Canadian healthcare system.

PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada focuses on the needs of Canadian PSC patients and collaborates with medical institutions and researchers across Canada. The organization offers support groups, educational events, and mentor match ups to help individuals manage the complexities of living with PSC.

Our Key Priorities


Finding treatments
for PSC


Raising funds for PSC research


Sharing Canadian-specific & PSC-related resources


Helping individuals throughout their PSC journey


Encouraging & facilitating conversations about PSC

Together we are creating a world where a PSC diagnosis comes with a cure

Impact at a glance statistics

Taking action, finding cure for PSC


Estimated Over 4000 PSC patients in Canada


Year PSC Partners Canada was formed


Participants in PSC Patient Registry


Raised for PSC research

Our Team

The PSC Partners Seeking a Cure Canada team is a dedicated group of volunteers, board members, and staff who work together to make a positive and meaningful impact for the Canadian PSC community. We are committed to raising funds for research, organizing events for patients and caregivers, and providing vital support to those affected by PSC.